Game Interface: Vehicle Controls

Navigating Helicopters

Helicopters can be controlled with the joystick, the keyboard, or a keyboard/mouse combination.

Joystick Keyboard Keyboard/Mouse
Move left/right Move joystick left/right Press LEFT ARROW/RIGHT ARROW Move mouse left/right
Move forward Move joystick forward while adjusting throttle Press A+UP ARROW Press A while moving mouse forward
Move up/down Adjust throttle Press A/Z Press A/Z
Brake mid-air/ auto-level Press button 4 Press NUM 0 Press NUM 0

A list of all helicopters is provided below. For information on each particular vehicle, see Vehicles & Buildings.

The Resistance Ghorkovs Taerkastens Mykonians
Firefly Ghargoil Bronsteijn 5P0 Air Prism
Wasp Ghargoil 2   Hourglass

Tips for Microsoft SideWinder Joystick Owners

Destroy ground units or slow-moving aircraft with ease by moving the joystick in the direction you wish to turn while twisting the rudder control in the same direction. This allows you to circle and maintain firing without making yourself a stationary target.

Joystick Controls
When using the joystick and throttle to move forward, apply the throttle while pushing gently forward on the joystick to tilt your helicopter downward slightly. You may move downward if you push forward too much on the joystick. Correct this by pulling back on the joystick. You cannot move forward when the throttle is set to the center.

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Keyboard Controls
When using the keyboard method to move your helicopter forward, you may move straight downward if you press the UP ARROW key too much. Correct this by pressing the DOWN ARROW key.

You can brake in mid-air by pressing 0 on the numeric keypad. You can also use this key to even yourself out whenever you're in an out-of-control situation.

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Keyboard/Mouse Combination
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